Friday, February 23, 2024

Back On the Moon

Yesterday, a robotic lander made by Intuitive Machines successfully landed near the south pole of the moon. It's the first time a US spacecraft has been there since the Apollo program. 

As I write this Friday morning, it's still not clear just how successful the mission will be is reaching its goals, but the lander is on the moon and sending back some data.

I was especially impressed by the ability of the mission team to overcome a last minute problem by patching the lander's software to use a different set of cameras needed for the landing. That was an epic hack.

Earlier on Thursday, the company realized that its navigation lasers and cameras were not operational. These rangefinders are essential for two functions during landing: terrain-relative navigation and hazard-relative navigation. These two modes help the flight computer on Odysseus to determine precisely where it is during descent—by snapping lots of images and comparing them to known Moon topography—and to identify hazards below, such as boulders, in order to find a safe landing site.

Without these rangefinders, Odysseus was going to faceplant into the Moon. Fortunately, this mission carried a bunch of science payloads. As part of its commercial lunar program, NASA is paying about $118 million for the delivery of six scientific payloads to the lunar surface.

One of these payloads just happened to be the Navigation Doppler Lidar experiment, a 15-kg package that contains three small cameras. With this NDL payload, NASA sought to test out technologies that might be used to improve navigation systems in future landing attempts on the Moon.

The only chance Odysseus had was if it could somehow tap into two of the NDL experiment's three cameras and use one for terrain-relative navigation and the other for hazard-relative navigation. So, some software was hastily written and shipped up to the lander. This was some true MacGyver stuff. But would it work?

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