Friday, July 24, 2020

Museum of Cosmonautics, Moscow

I've twice been to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. It's an amazing museum and I may go back (if the US elects a sane president in November, otherwise no trips there). There is another major space faring nation, Russia, and they too have a major space museum, the Museum of Cosmonautics, in Moscow. 

Unlike the Air and Space Museum, the Museum of Cosmonautics is devoted solely to space exploration. Photographer Asif Naqvi has published a photo essay showcasing the museum and some of its exhibits. 
The Museum of Cosmonautics (Russian: Muzey Kosmonavtiki or Музей Kосмонавтики) celebrates the Russian space exploration program, and its success and achievements starting from the first artificial satellite of the Earth to early spacesuits and spacecraft for the Moon exploration, and to other planets of the solar system. 

The museum is considered one of the largest space research and technology museums in the world. It is located below the 'Monument to Conquerors of Space' in a two-story building with various exhibition halls displaying over 98,000 artifacts, telling the history of Soviet and international space science and technology evolution.
I did want to link to a photo from the article but that doesn't seem possible. Do take the time to have a look at the photos - they are incredible.  This one is from Google Images. The ones in Naqvi's photo essay are much better.

It's unlikely I will ever be able to visit Moscow, but if I do, the Museum of Cosmonautics will be at the top of my list of  places to see. In the meantime, I'll have to be satisfied with the virtual tour on Google Arts and Culture.

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