Thursday, July 18, 2019

New Theory Unites Dark Energy And Dark Matter

A new theory may solve one of the perplexing questions of modern cosmology; what is the relationship between dark energy and dark matter. As a bonus, it seems to be in accordance with Eintein's general relativity.
The most primary questions that remain in our understanding of the Universe, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the missing 95% of matter in the Universe, could have a related explanation, scientists at Oxford have suggested. A new model has united the two phenomena into a single object; a fluid containing ‘negative mass’ that would accelerate towards you if pushed away. The new theory may also confirm another prediction made by Einstein a century ago.
I like this. It's simpler than current theories and so far Einstein seems to be right every time a conflicting theory comes out. If it's verified by observation, it'll be a major advance. 

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