Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Babylon's Ashes: A Review

Babylon's Ashes is the sixth book in the successful Expanse series by James S. A. Corey. The series is now up to eight books (with a final ninth book planned) and is the basis of a successful and very good TV series.

This book continues directly from the end the previous novel, Nemesis Games, and you could consider the two of them one long novel. The scope is still mostly in the solar system, with some action at the ring gate that gives access to the outside universe.

Corey expands the cast of viewpoint characters in this installment, so we get to see more of the Free Navy, as well the original core characters. There's a lot of solar system politics and some exciting action to keep things moving along at a reasonable pace.

I enjoyed this more than Nemesis Games, and it does come to a conclusion that both wraps up a lot of plot threads and sets up for the next sequence of books.

However, I will probably take a break from the series and wait until the ninth (and likely final) novel in The Expanse saga is published. Next up in the queue: Ian McDonald's Luna trilogy.

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