Wednesday, September 11, 2024

About That Cebate

I did not watch the presidential candidate's debate last night; I have an extremely low tolerance for watching anything that Trump says. I figured I'd get the highlights today and I was right. From what I've seen and read, it looks like Harris definitely got the better of Trump. It remains to be seen if that makes any difference. 

The best comments on the debate that I've seen are from SF author John Scalzi. from a post on his blog. Here's some of it.

It’s unlikely Trump will do another debate, because Trump doesn’t like being a loser, and he lost this debate even more comprehensively than he lost the 2020 election. From here he’ll retreat into the safe little world of right-wing media, where even his most unhinged pronouncements are met with respectful nodding and agreement. He’ll double down on his hate and his ranting and his inability to censor even the most embarrassing of thoughts. And if, after all of that, he’s still rewarded with a second term, then all his resentment and seething inadequacy will find a focus on anyone and everyone who ever made him feel a fool, and this time, he won’t bother having anyone around him who will tell him no.

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