Saturday, October 30, 2021

Watch the Skies!

Keep an eye on the sky tonight and tomorrow night. There may be a major auroral display, i.e., the Northern Lights, visible as far south as the Great Lakes. Lots more details are at the SolarHam site and

NOAA forecasters say there is an 85% chance of geomagnetic storms on Oct. 30th when a CME (described below) is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. It could be a strong storm, category G3, which means auroras could descend to mid-latitudes--places like Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon, Virginia. The CME's arrival time is uncertain; estimates range from midday on Oct. 30th to the early hours of Oct. 31st. 

It's going to be cloudy and rainy tonight, but hopefully it will clear up for Halloween. A good display of the Northern Lights on Halloween would be cool. 

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